2-3.5 hours per day (Age Dependent), 5 days per week for 8 or 10 weeks
8 or 10 Week Cognitive Intensive Program (CIP)
The 8 and 10 Week Cognitive Intensive Programs (CIP) target the Symbol Relations cognitive function, a critical function of the brain that affects all aspects of learning and life. It improves brain connectivity and improves the ability to think and learn. Strengthening the Symbol Relations ability means you’ll have a more powerful and positive capacity to process information and engage with the world.
Program Benefits
The Cognitive Intensive Program utilises The Arrowsmith Program, which improves the capacity to develop skills related to :
- Problem solving
- Higher level thinking
- Understanding Inferences
- Finding multi-step solutions
- Using deductive reasoning
- Organization of knowledge
- Processing speed
- Deeper understanding
- Communicating ideas and concepts

How does it work?
The program requires 2-3.5 hours per day of online computer based training exercises. Five days per week for 8 or 10 weeks, depending on your program preference. The program focuses on brain functions that are responsible for higher order reasoning, problem solving and processing abilities.
- Training is facilitated by highly trained international instructors. Instructors are available for scheduled lessons, check ins, goal setting, coaching, and proactive support.
Daily online program time is facilitated by an experienced instructor in a virtual learning environment.
- Flexible scheduling 9:00am - 4:00pm Bangkok time (GMT +7).
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Program Details
Ages 9-15: 2.5 hours per day, 90 Hours Total
Ages 16+: 3.5 hours per day, 135 Hours Total
- 17 May – 9 July
- 24 May – 16 July
- 31 May – 23 July
- 7 June – 30 July
Ages 9-15: 2 hours per day, 90 hours total
Ages 16+: 3 hours per day, 135 hours total
- 17 May – 23 July
- 24 May – 30 July
- The 8 and 10 Week Cognitive Intensive Programs are 125,000 Thai Baht (THB) per student.
Each student requires:
- Access to a computer
- External mouse (Mouse pads or track pads are NOT sufficient.)
- A numeric keypad (The numbers along the top of a keyboard are not sufficient. A full numeric key pad is required.)
- Reliable high-speed internet
- Google Chrome browser
- Google Hangouts or similar communication app
Laptops are sufficient provided they have a built in or external numeric keypad. Larger Screens provide benefit in the visual aspects of the program.
- At-Home access to the Arrowsmith 8-Week Cognitive Intesnive Program
- Use of the Symbol Relations cognitive training exercise that improves abilities related to logic, comprehension, processing speed, focus and general understanding
- Individual instruction and support from Canadian-certified Arrowsmith instructors. Our instructors are among the very best and have a track record of exceptional success
- Progress review and detailed reports from a team of experienced cognitive trainers
- Daily instruction, coaching, goal setting, communication and proactive support via the virtual classroom
Students will receive a certificate of completion upon successfully completing their program.
Prior to beginning the 8-Week Cognitive Intensive Program, there are important prerequisite skills that will greatly aid success and accelerate progress in the program.
Counting Skills:
Many of the levels in the Arrowsmith Program are based on concepts found in a 2 handed analogue clock. The following counting skills are important in ensuring the best possible start to the program.
- Counting from 1-60
- Counting from 60-1 (reverse)
- Counting from 5-60 by 5’s
- Counting 12-60 by 12’s
- Participants should have a basic understanding of a 2 handed analogue clock
Counting skills may require daily practice leading up to the start of the program.
Numeric Keypad Touch-typing Skills:
Participants will need to know how to type numbers on the numeric keypad. This is the keypad on the right-hand side of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top. Participants will be using the numeric keypad to enter numbers quickly and accurately, using multiple fingers. Advanced typing skills on the numeric keypad will greatly improve the experience in the program. To improve proficiency at touch typing, daily practice is recommended. Some websites offer free typing programs, be sure to look for websites or apps that have a numeric keypad option.
- https://www.typing.com/student/lesson/380/numeric-keypad
- https://www.typingstudy.com/numeric_keypad
The cognitive training exercises in the Cognitive Intensive Program have been refined over the past 4 decades. Since 1997 there have been more than 20 research studies involving some 700 students across six universities and nineteen different educational organizations all evaluating the effectiveness of the Arrowsmith Program. Five of these studies have had control groups and eleven have been peer reviewed. There are another four research projects currently underway at three universities.
The research involves Neuro-imaging and Behavioral studies using multiple designs recommended by the American Psychological Association. Significantly they all show very similar results– that the methods used are effective to improve student learning.
Studies show that the training exercises used in the Maths Plus+ Program lead to structural and functional changes in the brain as well as significant improvements in academic and cognitive measures. Significant improvements were measured in comprehension, mathematics, vocabulary, processing speed, attention, cognitive efficiency, reasoning, and working memory. Participants and their families report better mental health, emotional resilience, and a more positive self-concept.
Enrolment Process
1. Submit Inquiry
The first step in the application process is to submit an Enquiry Form. The Enquiry Form will allow us to start to understand how we can best meet your needs.
2. Wait for Contact
Once the Enquiry Form is completed, our admissions team will contact you to discuss your needs. This may include a video call.
3. Finalise Application
Once we have an understanding of how we can best meet your needs, we’ll send you an Application Form to collect important details. After this you will be ready to start your brain training!
Life-Changing Experiences